Ordering before 11 am, is same-day delivery (1 pm to 5 pm)

Ordering from 11 am to 8 pm, it is next day delivery (1 pm to 5 pm)

There must always be someone at your delivery address to receive your order, we will endeavour to fill your order at your desired delivery time. Please WhatsApp us on +62 851 00449132 if you will not be home so we can re-schedule

Delivery Areas & Delivery Fees

We deliver locally for free with orders over Rp300,000, less than that it is Rp10,000, this will automatically be added to your bill on checkout.

Our delivery areas are Canggu, Prerenan, Berawa, Kerobokan, Umalas, Petitenget, Batu Belig & Seminyak

Delivery areas further than our range please WhatsApp us or Go Shop, Go Jek or Grab to order.

If you prefer to pick your order up this is also possible, click the pickup box, we will WhatsApp you when your order is ready.

Payment Options

Our Scran online store can take your payment directly via credit or debit card. We also offer the option of bank transfer. Please tick the appropriate box.

Contact Details

Please make sure all contact details are correct so we can deliver to your door without any hiccups, including the name of the person accepting the delivery if you are not going to be there.

Refunds, Exchanges & Returns

Choose carefully when ordering, we do not exchange or return goods once they have left our store.

All Scran goods are fresh & in good order. If for any unforeseen reason there is a problem with an item our Manager will communicate with you directly

Recycled Jars

Scran has a box at our bulk buying section where you can help yourself to a jar